docker buildx bake

Description Build from a file
Usage docker buildx bake [OPTIONS] [TARGET...]
docker buildx f


Bake is a high-level build command. Each specified target runs in parallel as part of the build.

Read High-level build options with Bake guide for introduction to writing bake files.


buildx bake command may receive backwards incompatible features in the future if needed. We are looking for feedback on improving the command and extending the functionality further.


Option Default Description
--allow Allow build to access specified resources
--call build Set method for evaluating build (check, outline, targets)
--check Shorthand for --call=check
-f, --file Build definition file
--load Shorthand for --set=*.output=type=docker
--metadata-file Write build result metadata to a file
--no-cache Do not use cache when building the image
--print Print the options without building
--progress auto Set type of progress output (auto, plain, tty, rawjson). Use plain to show container output
--provenance Shorthand for --set=*.attest=type=provenance
--pull Always attempt to pull all referenced images
--push Shorthand for --set=*.output=type=registry
--sbom Shorthand for --set=*.attest=type=sbom
--set Override target value (e.g., targetpattern.key=value)


Override the configured builder instance (--builder)

Same as buildx --builder.

Invoke a frontend method (--call)

Same as build --call.

Call: check (--check)

Same as build --check.

Specify a build definition file (-f, --file)

Use the -f / --file option to specify the build definition file to use. The file can be an HCL, JSON or Compose file. If multiple files are specified, all are read and the build configurations are combined.

You can pass the names of the targets to build, to build only specific target(s). The following example builds the db and webapp-release targets that are defined in the file:

group "default" {
  targets = ["db", "webapp-dev"]

target "webapp-dev" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.webapp"
  tags = [""]

target "webapp-release" {
  inherits = ["webapp-dev"]
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]

target "db" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.db"
  tags = [""]
$ docker buildx bake -f db webapp-release

See the Bake file reference for more details.

Write build results metadata to a file (--metadata-file)

Similar to buildx build --metadata-file but writes a map of results for each target such as:

# docker-bake.hcl
group "default" {
  targets = ["db", "webapp-dev"]

target "db" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.db"
  tags = [""]

target "webapp-dev" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.webapp"
  tags = [""]
$ docker buildx bake --load --metadata-file metadata.json .
$ cat metadata.json
  "": {},
  "db": {
    "": {},
    "": "mybuilder/mybuilder0/0fjb6ubs52xx3vygf6fgdl611",
    "containerimage.config.digest": "sha256:2937f66a9722f7f4a2df583de2f8cb97fc9196059a410e7f00072fc918930e66",
    "containerimage.descriptor": {
      "annotations": {
        "config.digest": "sha256:2937f66a9722f7f4a2df583de2f8cb97fc9196059a410e7f00072fc918930e66",
        "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2022-02-08T21:28:03Z"
      "digest": "sha256:19ffeab6f8bc9293ac2c3fdf94ebe28396254c993aea0b5a542cfb02e0883fa3",
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
      "size": 506
    "containerimage.digest": "sha256:19ffeab6f8bc9293ac2c3fdf94ebe28396254c993aea0b5a542cfb02e0883fa3"
  "webapp-dev": {
    "": {},
    "": "mybuilder/mybuilder0/kamngmcgyzebqxwu98b4lfv3n",
    "containerimage.config.digest": "sha256:9651cc2b3c508f697c9c43b67b64c8359c2865c019e680aac1c11f4b875b67e0",
    "containerimage.descriptor": {
      "annotations": {
        "config.digest": "sha256:9651cc2b3c508f697c9c43b67b64c8359c2865c019e680aac1c11f4b875b67e0",
        "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2022-02-08T21:28:15Z"
      "digest": "sha256:6d9ac9237a84afe1516540f40a0fafdc86859b2141954b4d643af7066d598b74",
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
      "size": 506
    "containerimage.digest": "sha256:6d9ac9237a84afe1516540f40a0fafdc86859b2141954b4d643af7066d598b74"


Build record provenance ( includes minimal provenance by default. Set the BUILDX_METADATA_PROVENANCE environment variable to customize this behavior:

  • min sets minimal provenance (default).
  • max sets full provenance.
  • disabled, false or 0 does not set any provenance.


Build warnings ( are not included by default. Set the BUILDX_METADATA_WARNINGS environment variable to 1 or true to include them.

Don't use cache when building the image (--no-cache)

Same as build --no-cache. Don't use cache when building the image.

Print the options without building (--print)

Prints the resulting options of the targets desired to be built, in a JSON format, without starting a build.

$ docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl --print db
  "group": {
    "default": {
      "targets": [
  "target": {
    "db": {
      "context": "./",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "tags": [

Set type of progress output (--progress)

Same as build --progress.

Create provenance attestations (--provenance)

Same as build --provenance.

Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image (--pull)

Same as build --pull.

Create SBOM attestations (--sbom)

Same as build --sbom.

Override target configurations from command line (--set)

--set targetpattern.key[.subkey]=value

Override target configurations from command line. The pattern matching syntax is defined in

$ docker buildx bake --set target.args.mybuildarg=value
$ docker buildx bake --set target.platform=linux/arm64
$ docker buildx bake --set foo*.args.mybuildarg=value # overrides build arg for all targets starting with 'foo'
$ docker buildx bake --set *.platform=linux/arm64     # overrides platform for all targets
$ docker buildx bake --set foo*.no-cache              # bypass caching only for targets starting with 'foo'

You can override the following fields:

  • args
  • cache-from
  • cache-to
  • context
  • dockerfile
  • labels
  • load
  • no-cache
  • no-cache-filter
  • output
  • platform
  • pull
  • push
  • secrets
  • ssh
  • tags
  • target