docker compose

Description Docker Compose
Usage docker compose


Define and run multi-container applications with Docker


Option Default Description
--all-resources Include all resources, even those not used by services
--ansi auto Control when to print ANSI control characters ("never"|"always"|"auto")
--compatibility Run compose in backward compatibility mode
--dry-run Execute command in dry run mode
--env-file Specify an alternate environment file
-f, --file Compose configuration files
--parallel -1 Control max parallelism, -1 for unlimited
--profile Specify a profile to enable
--progress auto Set type of progress output (auto, tty, plain, json, quiet)
--project-directory Specify an alternate working directory
(default: the path of the, first specified, Compose file)
-p, --project-name Project name


Use -f to specify the name and path of one or more Compose files

Use the -f flag to specify the location of a Compose configuration file.

Specifying multiple Compose files

You can supply multiple -f configuration files. When you supply multiple files, Compose combines them into a single configuration. Compose builds the configuration in the order you supply the files. Subsequent files override and add to their predecessors.

For example, consider this command line:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup_db

The docker-compose.yml file might specify a webapp service.

    image: examples/web
      - "8000:8000"
      - "/data"

If the docker-compose.admin.yml also specifies this same service, any matching fields override the previous file. New values, add to the webapp service configuration.

    build: .
      - DEBUG=1

When you use multiple Compose files, all paths in the files are relative to the first configuration file specified with -f. You can use the --project-directory option to override this base path.

Use a -f with - (dash) as the filename to read the configuration from stdin. When stdin is used all paths in the configuration are relative to the current working directory.

The -f flag is optional. If you don’t provide this flag on the command line, Compose traverses the working directory and its parent directories looking for a compose.yaml or docker-compose.yaml file.

Specifying a path to a single Compose file

You can use the -f flag to specify a path to a Compose file that is not located in the current directory, either from the command line or by setting up a COMPOSE_FILE environment variable in your shell or in an environment file.

For an example of using the -f option at the command line, suppose you are running the Compose Rails sample, and have a compose.yaml file in a directory called sandbox/rails. You can use a command like docker compose pull to get the postgres image for the db service from anywhere by using the -f flag as follows:

$ docker compose -f ~/sandbox/rails/compose.yaml pull db

Use -p to specify a project name

Each configuration has a project name. Compose sets the project name using the following mechanisms, in order of precedence:

  • The -p command line flag
  • The COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment variable
  • The top level name: variable from the config file (or the last name: from a series of config files specified using -f)
  • The basename of the project directory containing the config file (or containing the first config file specified using -f)
  • The basename of the current directory if no config file is specified Project names must contain only lowercase letters, decimal digits, dashes, and underscores, and must begin with a lowercase letter or decimal digit. If the basename of the project directory or current directory violates this constraint, you must use one of the other mechanisms.
$ docker compose -p my_project ps -a
NAME                 SERVICE    STATUS     PORTS
my_project_demo_1    demo       running

$ docker compose -p my_project logs
demo_1  | PING localhost ( 56 data bytes
demo_1  | 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.095 ms

Use profiles to enable optional services

Use --profile to specify one or more active profiles Calling docker compose --profile frontend up starts the services with the profile frontend and services without any specified profiles. You can also enable multiple profiles, e.g. with docker compose --profile frontend --profile debug up the profiles frontend and debug is enabled.

Profiles can also be set by COMPOSE_PROFILES environment variable.

Configuring parallelism

Use --parallel to specify the maximum level of parallelism for concurrent engine calls. Calling docker compose --parallel 1 pull pulls the pullable images defined in the Compose file one at a time. This can also be used to control build concurrency.

Parallelism can also be set by the COMPOSE_PARALLEL_LIMIT environment variable.

Set up environment variables

You can set environment variables for various docker compose options, including the -f, -p and --profiles flags.

Setting the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable is equivalent to passing the -f flag, COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment variable does the same as the -p flag, COMPOSE_PROFILES environment variable is equivalent to the --profiles flag and COMPOSE_PARALLEL_LIMIT does the same as the --parallel flag.

If flags are explicitly set on the command line, the associated environment variable is ignored.

Setting the COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS environment variable to true stops docker compose from detecting orphaned containers for the project.

Setting the COMPOSE_MENU environment variable to false disables the helper menu when running docker compose up in attached mode. Alternatively, you can also run docker compose up --menu=false to disable the helper menu.

Use Dry Run mode to test your command

Use --dry-run flag to test a command without changing your application stack state. Dry Run mode shows you all the steps Compose applies when executing a command, for example:

$ docker compose --dry-run up --build -d
[+] Pulling 1/1
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  db Pulled                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.9s
[+] Running 10/8
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -    build service backend                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  ==> ==> writing image dryRun-754a08ddf8bcb1cf22f310f09206dd783d42f7dd                                                                                                                                                   0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  ==> ==> naming to nginx-golang-mysql-backend                                                                                                                                                                            0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Network nginx-golang-mysql_default                                    Created                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-db-1                                     Created                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-backend-1                                Created                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-proxy-1                                  Created                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-db-1                                     Healthy                                                                                                                                           0.5s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-backend-1                                Started                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 ✔ DRY-RUN MODE -  Container nginx-golang-mysql-proxy-1                                  Started                                     Started

From the example above, you can see that the first step is to pull the image defined by db service, then build the backend service. Next, the containers are created. The db service is started, and the backend and proxy wait until the db service is healthy before starting.

Dry Run mode works with almost all commands. You cannot use Dry Run mode with a command that doesn't change the state of a Compose stack such as ps, ls, logs for example.


Command Description
docker compose alpha Experimental commands
docker compose build Build or rebuild services
docker compose config Parse, resolve and render compose file in canonical format
docker compose cp Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystem
docker compose create Creates containers for a service
docker compose down Stop and remove containers, networks
docker compose events Receive real time events from containers
docker compose exec Execute a command in a running container
docker compose images List images used by the created containers
docker compose kill Force stop service containers
docker compose logs View output from containers
docker compose ls List running compose projects
docker compose pause Pause services
docker compose port Print the public port for a port binding
docker compose ps List containers
docker compose pull Pull service images
docker compose push Push service images
docker compose restart Restart service containers
docker compose rm Removes stopped service containers
docker compose run Run a one-off command on a service
docker compose start Start services
docker compose stop Stop services
docker compose top Display the running processes
docker compose unpause Unpause services
docker compose up Create and start containers
docker compose version Show the Docker Compose version information
docker compose wait Block until containers of all (or specified) services stop.
docker compose watch Watch build context for service and rebuild/refresh containers when files are updated