docker scout watch

Description Watch repositories in a registry and push images and indexes to Docker Scout (experimental)
Usage docker scout watch

This command is experimental

Experimental features are intended for testing and feedback as their functionality or design may change between releases without warning or can be removed entirely in a future release.


The docker scout watch command watches repositories in a registry and pushes images or analysis results to Docker Scout.


Option Default Description
--all-images Push all images instead of only the ones pushed during the watch command is running
--dry-run Watch images and prepare them, but do not push them
--interval 60 Interval in seconds between checks
--org Namespace of the Docker organization to which image will be pushed
--refresh-registry Refresh the list of repositories of a registry at every run. Only with --registry.
--registry Registry to watch
--repository Repository to watch
--sbom true Create and upload SBOMs
--tag Regular expression to match tags to watch
--workers 3 Number of concurrent workers


Watch for new images from two repositories and push them

$ docker scout watch --org my-org --repository --repository

Only push images with a specific tag

$ docker scout watch --org my-org --repository --tag latest

Watch all repositories of a registry

$ docker scout watch --org my-org --registry

Push all images and not just the new ones

$ docker scout watch--org my-org --repository --all-images